Outreachy Progress on Lumicall

unnamedLumicall 1.13.0 is released! 😀

Through Lumicall, you can make encrypted calls and send messages using open standards. It uses the SIP protocol to inter-operate with other apps and corporate telephone systems.

During the Outreachy Internship period I worked on the following issues :-

I researched on creating a white label version of Lumicall. Few ideas on how the white label build could be used..

  1. Existing SIP providers can use white label version of Lumicall to expand their business and launch SIP client. This would provide a one stop shop for them!!
  2. New SIP clients/developers can use Lumicall white label version to get the underlying working of making encrypted phone calls using SIP protocol, it will help them to focus on other additional functionalities they would like to include.

Documentation for implementing white labelling – Link 1 and Link 2


Since Lumicall is majorly used to make encrypted calls, there was a need to designate quiet times and the phone will not make an audible ringing tone during that time & if the user has multiple SIP accounts, the user can set the silent mode functionality on one of them, maybe, the Work account.
Documentation for adding silent mode feature  – Link 1 and Link 2


  • Adding 9 Patch Image 

Using Lumicall, users can send SIP messages across. Just to improve the UI a little, I added a 9 patch image in the message screen. A 9 patch image is created using 9 patch tools and are saved as imagename.9.png . The image will resize itself according to the text length and font size.

Documentation for 9 patch image – Link


You can try the new version of Lumicall here ! and know more about Lumicall on a blog by Daniel Pocock.
Looking forward to your valuable feedback !! 😀

4 thoughts on “Outreachy Progress on Lumicall

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  1. I came across this post via planet.debian.org and hoped to find a new SIP client for Debian. But now I’m a little bit disappointed to see only downloads for Android, an operating system I do not use. Any chance to get a native Debian version sooner or later? Thanks!


    1. Hi Martin,

      The client itself is being designed exclusively for the Android GUI.

      But many of the underlying libraries (example: Omnidial, ice4j) can run in any Java environment, either J2SE or Android

      There are alternative SIP applications for the desktop that can potentially interact with Lumicall. Jitsi needs to integrate their ICE support with their SIP protocol. telepathy-resiprocate aims to be compatible, working through the Empathy UI or other Telepathy applications.

      Hope this answers your question 🙂 Thanks!


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